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The 2014 Chevrolet Impala is a more sophisticated

The 2014 Chevrolet Impala is a more sophisticated, front-wheel driven four-door Camaro

Chevrolet Impala – the embodiment of America’s idea of ​​what should be a full-size sedan for the masses. When it first made its debut in 1958, it was developed at that time by Chevrolet chief engineer Ed Cole, who was also responsible for other models such as the Corvette, Corvair, the 350 small block and virtually all of Chevrolet’s radical success. between 1955 and 1962. He initially described the bold mission of Impala as “a prestigious machine available to the average American citizen.” Since then, she went on to fulfill this mission for a total of ten generations in a row, including the new one here – to make Impala not only one of the longest-running GM models, but also a brand heritage.

During its heyday, the Chevrolet Impala was undoubtedly a symbol, representing an important turning point when it was introduced as the flagship automaker in Detroit. It went to some legitimate superlatives, such as being the best-selling car in the United States until 1965. And since this precedent was created, the Impala has had some very large boots to fill. Then, of course, the 1973 oil crisis occurred, and serious mismanagement left little room for optimism on the path to pessimism. Adding insult to injury, Fierce competition from the relentless influence of sensitivity on the part of Europeans and Asians significantly prevented the once irresistible success of the American automobile empire.

What trauma it was, as it ultimately led to a slow and terrible death in 2009, as a result of which the Impala was already outdated, like the people who drove them. And they sadly roam the roads of today in the form of a captain of the fleet – a level of awkwardness that neither enthusiasts nor average buyers are tempting. This is also due to the fact that many of us generals have been given front row seats to none other than the lowest US auto industry to date. For those who need a quick update of demographic memory, this probably entails everyone born after 1980. Thus, Chevrolet faced the most difficult task, but it was a kind of last chance for a buyback, to compensate for thousands, if not millions of lost sales, and restore the hearts and minds of young people, all who represent the most important and future Chevrolet market. Is this new 2014 Chevrolet Impala the famous brand knight in shining armor?

-Jack Wilson

QuickSnap Auto Parts

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